Change or reset my password

Feature availability

Follow the steps below to change or reset your BioDigital Human password on either a) the login page before you log in or b) the Account page after you log in.

    1. Go to our login page and enter your email address.
    2. Click Next.
    3. Click the Forgot password? link under the password field.
      forgot password_sep24.png
    4. After confirming that you have entered your email address correctly on the following page, click Send reset instructions.
    5. Check your email for a password-reset link, and follow the instructions provided to create your new password.
    1. Log in and click the    profile icon in the upper-right corner of the page.
    2. Select Account from the drop-down menu.
    3. Scroll down to the Password section, and click the Edit button on the right.
    4. Enter your current password, enter your new password, and retype your new password to confirm.
    5. Click the Save Password button in the lower-right corner.

Note: For security reasons, we are unable to provide passwords to our users.