Invite new members to my team via email

Feature availability

How to invite new members via email

If you are a member of a team, you can invite new members to your team via email by taking the following steps:

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Find the Invite Members button, which can be found in several places within the app:
    • In the navigation bar at the top of most pages (homepage, Explore, My Library, Account, Team, and Settings).
    • On the Team page, which you can access by clicking the    profile icon in the navigation bar and selecting Team.
    • In My Library, under your team's name or logo.
  3. In the Invite Members window, enter the email addresses of the individuals you would like to invite. You can enter up to 50 email addresses at a time.

    Tip: Email addresses can be separated by commas or line breaks. If you are pulling a list of email addresses from a spreadsheet, simply copy the entire column of text (up to 50 rows at a time) and paste it into the text box.

    Note: The email address each invitee uses to join the team must match the email address you entered for them here. If these email addresses do not match, the invitee will not be able to join the team until they sign up or sign in with the correct email address, or you send a new invitation to their preferred email address.

  4. Select the role you would like to assign to the individual(s) you are inviting. If you do not select a role, the user will automatically be assigned your team's default member role when they accept your invitation.
  5. Click Send Invites.

If you have any problems inviting new team members, contact us.


Learn more

Tracking invitations

When you take the steps above, each of the individuals you have invited will receive an email containing a unique "Join Now" link that will enable them to join the team.

Interested in tracking your invites? Individuals you have invited to join your team but who have not yet accepted their invitation will be listed in the Pending Invites section of the Team page. Read more about pending invites in Track team member invitations.


Other ways to invite team members

In addition to inviting team members directly via email, you can also: