Publish multiple models at the same time

Feature availability

Do you plan to embed more than one customized 3D model into your website or application? Save yourself time by using our bulk publishing feature to publish multiple embed codes at once!

Take the following steps to publish models in bulk:

  1. Click on the    more options icon in the upper-right corner of any section of My Library.
  2. Click Select to activate selection mode.
  3. To select a model, click anywhere on its tile.
    bulk publish_selection_sep23.png

    To select all models in the current view, click on the Select All button in the upper right corner.

  4. Repeat until you have selected all of the models you want to publish.
  5. When you are finished making your selections, click on the Export CSV button along the top.


The resulting .csv file, which will be found in your computer's Downloads folder, contains the following information for each of the models you selected:

  • Title: The name you gave your model when you saved it to My Library.
  • ID: The model's unique identifier, or content ID.
  • Collection: If applicable, the name of the collection in which the model is stored.
  • URL: A direct link to your model.
  • iframe: The embed code for your model.
  • Author: The name of the team member who originally saved the model to My Library.
  • Thumbnail URL: A link to your model's thumbnail image; also the thumbnail of the first chapter of any given tour. This thumbnail is generated automatically when you first save your model to My Library can be modified via the Capture button in Human Studio.
  • Created Date: The date on which the model was originally added to My Library.
  • Updated Date: The most recent data on which any changes were made to the model, either in Human Studio or via the Manage menu.

bulk publish_export_sep23.png