April 2020: Learn to interact in 3D with our new Viewer tutorial

The Human Viewer now comes with a Getting Started Tutorial that teaches learners how to interact with your models in 3D. (Give it a try below!)


What information does the tutorial cover?

The fully interactive tutorial takes the learner through each of the following actions in the 3D model:

  • Rotate
  • Zoom
  • Pan
  • Explore the anatomy


At each step, the Viewer detects when the action has been completed successfully, alerts the learner accordingly with a green check mark, and (on desktop only) offers a "tip" on how to perform that action using keyboard shortcuts. 


At the end of the tutorial, the learner is instructed to use the 3D controls and toolbar to navigate through the 3D experience, launch deeper exploration tools, and relaunch this tutorial. 


The text the learner sees at each step mirrors the type of device the learner is using to access the model.

On desktop and laptop computers, the learner will see the following text:

  • Rotate: Click and drag the model to change the viewing angle.
  • Zoom: Scroll up and down to zoom in or out. 
  • Pan: Hold the shift key and drag to move the model’s position. 
  • Explore the Anatomy: Click on an individual part of the model to highlight anatomy. 

 On mobile devices, the learner will see the following text:

  • Rotate: Tap and drag with one finger to change the viewing angle.
  • ZoomPinch with two fingers to zoom in or out.
  • Pan: Use two fingers to adjust the model’s position. 
  • Explore the Anatomy: Tap on an individual part of the model to highlight anatomy.


How do I enable the tutorial in my models?

The Getting Started Tutorial is always available in the Human Viewer under More Options > Help.


You can also set the tutorial to launch automatically when the model loads. To do this, you can either select Getting Started Tutorial under Loading Experience when you publish your model, or add the URL parameter &ui-tutorial=true to your existing BioDigital URL(s).



How often will the tutorial appear?

If you've set the Getting Started Tutorial to launch automatically when the model loads (see How do I enable the tutorial in my models? above), the tutorial will only appear once per person. Once a learner sees the tutorial, they will not see it again until or unless they clear their cookies and site settings. 

To delete your cookies and site settings in Chrome, you can either visit chrome://settings/siteData, search for "biodigital.com," and clear all associated data, or take the following steps:

  1. Open your Chrome Settings.
  2. Under Privacy and security, select Site Settings
  3. Under Permissions, select Cookies and site data. 
  4. Select See all cookies and site data.
  5. In the search bar in the upper-right corner of the page, enter "biodigital.com" and search.
  6. Select Remove All Shown, or click the trash can icon next to each item to clear the data.