July 2020: Draw on models with our new Whiteboard tool

Draw on a snapshot of your 3D model with our new virtual Whiteboard, and check out our updated isolate feature to explore anatomy more efficiently.


New whiteboard tool for educators

Product: Human Viewerwhiteboard_header_jun20.jpg

The new virtual Whiteboard in the Human Viewer introduces freehand drawing tools to enable educators of all kinds – from teaching faculty to healthcare practitioners to sales reps – to direct a learner's attention to key anatomical concepts in a 3D model.

When you open the Whiteboard, the 3D model is converted into a 2D image, and you can use your mouse or trackpad (web) or finger (mobile) to draw anywhere on the image to point out key structures, shapes, relationships, or processes. For example, you can use the Whiteboard to:

  • Circle important cells or receptors in a physiological process such as muscle contraction.
  • Emphasize mucus buildup or inflammation in a respiratory condition like asthma.
  • Draw over a normal heart to illustrate the enlarged or abnormal shape caused by a specific heart condition.

In the Whiteboard tool, you also have the ability to:

  • Undo, redo, or clear changes at any time using the controls that appear at the top of the image.
  • Change your brush size or color using the toolbar in the lower-right corner of the screen.

  • Download your drawing to your computer or mobile device to share or reference with learners later. All images are saved in png format to preserve image quality. Note: The Whiteboard is completely mobile responsive, meaning all captured images will match the dimensions of your screen.


The Whiteboard is currently enabled by default in the Viewer and can be accessed from the More Options menu.



To disable the Whiteboard in your published models, add the URL parameter &ui-whiteboard=false to your BioDigital Human URL(s).


Auto-centering of isolated structures

Product: BioDigital Human web app, Human Studio, and Human Viewer

When you isolate an anatomical structure or a set of structures in the web app, Human Studio, or the Human Viewer, the structure(s) now automatically become centered in the 3D scene. This means you can interact right away, instead of having to spend time navigating to the isolated structure(s). Because this enhancement applies to all of our interactive products, it benefits educators and learners alike.





This new auto-centering behavior will occur when:

  • An individual structure or a single set of structures is isolated via the Anatomy Tree in View mode in the web app, Human Studio, or the Human Viewer.



The new auto-centering behavior will not occur when:

  • Multiple structures or multiple sets of structures are selected in Human Studio and then Show/Hide > Hide Everything Else is selected.
