How do I contact Customer Support?

Feature availability

If you currently subscribe to a paid plan*, you can get in touch with the BioDigital Customer Experience team from your account in the app or on our help center.

    1. Log in to your account.
    2. Click the  question mark icon in the upper-right corner of your screen to open the Help menu. This button is available on the homepage, My Library, Explore, and Studio.
    3. Select Contact Support from the drop-down menu.
    4. In the Contact us widget, select the option that best explains why you are contacting us.
      Contact us widget
    5. Fill out the request form thoroughly.
    6. Click Submit.
    1. Visit our Help Center at
    2. Click on the Contact Support button in the top menu or toward the bottom of the homepage.
    3. Click on the Log in to Contact Support button toward the bottom of the page. This will take you to the BioDigital Human login page.
    4. Log in with your BioDigital Human account credentials.
    5. On the Submit a request page that follows, select the option that best explains why you are contacting us.
      help center_submit request_aug23.png
    6. Fill out the request form thoroughly.
    7. Click Submit.

Tip: If you were assigned an Account Manager as part of your School or Business plan, we recommend that you submit a request on the app or help center as instructed above, and then email your Account Manager separately to follow up.


*Direct support from our Customer Experience team is only available with a paid Individual, School, or Business plan. Learn more about our plans in What subscriptions do you offer?

If you have a free account, you can browse or search our help center for detailed how-to's, FAQs, and troubleshooting steps, or upgrade to a Personal Plus plan to access our request forms.