Add 2D images to a model

Feature availability

The BioDigital Human's interactive 3D models offer extensive visual and textual information, all fully customizable in Human Studio. But why stop there?

You can provide learners with even more context by inserting 2D images—such as photos, diagrams, or medical imaging (e.g., MRI, X-ray, CT, ultrasound)—directly into labels or chapter descriptions. 

Follow the step-by-step instructions below to get started.


Upload requirements

To ensure a smooth video upload experience and optimal performance, review the following requirements before you get started. Files that exceed these limits will trigger an error message during upload.

  • Supported file formats: .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .svg
  • File upload limits:
    • Labels: One (1) per label
    • Chapter descriptions: No limit; five (5) per chapter recommended to optimize performance
  • File size limits: 15 MB per image


Add an image to a label

To add an image to a label in your 3D model:

  1. If you have not already, open your model in Human Studio.
  2. Add a label to the model if one does not already exist.
  3. Select the label (or any label) by clicking on it or by selecting it in the Labels panel on the right.
  4. In the Labels panel under Content, drag and drop your image into the Image block or use the browse function to find your image in your File Explorer or Finder and select it.

    Note: Again, only one (1) image can be added to each label.

    labels_image block_apr24.png
  5. (Optional) In the Image Alt field that appears, add alternative text for use with screen readers.
  6. (Optional) Repeat step 3-5 as desired to add images to other labels.

    Tip: As a best practice, we recommend limiting each chapter to no more than 5 labels to minimize cognitive overload.

  7. Click Save in the upper-right corner of the page to save your changes.
  8. Publish your model or open it from My Library to see the image(s) you just added.


Add an image to a chapter description

To add one or more images to a chapter description in your 3D model:

  1. If you have not already, open your model in Human Studio.
  2. Select a chapter from the Chapters panel on the left and click the Edit Info button to open the Content Manager window.
    chapters_edit info_apr24.png
  3. Scroll down to the Images section of the Content Manager window and click the Add Image button.
  4. Drag and drop your image into the Image block—or use the browse function to find your image in your File Explorer or Finder and select it.
    chapter description_image block_apr24.png
  5. (Optional) In the Caption field, add a caption that will appear beneath your image in the information panel.
  6. (Optional) In the Alt field, add alternative text for use with screen readers.
  7. (Optional) Repeat step 3-6 as desired to add additional images to your chapter.

    Note: These images will appear in a slideshow in the published model's information panel, as shown below.
    chapter description_multiple images_apr24.png

  8. (Optional) To add an image to another chapter in a tour, select the chapter in the Chapters panel and repeat steps 2-7 above.
  9. Click Save in the upper-right corner of the page to save your changes.
  10. Publish your model or open it from My Library to see the image(s) you just added.


Learn more

To learn how to add other types of media to your 3D model, see the following articles: