Configure my quiz settings


Every quiz comes with advanced settings that control how the quiz will be presented to the quiz taker, such as a summary page and progress indicator. All of these settings are enabled by default, and most of the time you won't need to — and should not — touch these settings at all.

However, there are some circumstances in which you may want to disable one or more of these settings. 

See the table below for details on what each setting controls and when you may want to consider disabling each. 

Setting What it controls Disable if...
Enable Quiz Activates your quiz as soon as it is saved to My Library. Your quiz is a work in progress, and your model/tour is already live on your LMS, website, or app.

Disabling this setting will keep your quiz from appearing in your existing model/tour while you continue building it.

Show summary page Displays a summary page to the quiz taker at the end of the quiz.

For example, if the quiz has 8 chapters, the summary page will appear after the quiz taker has completed all 8 questions.

You do not want the quiz taker to know their score, nor which answers they got right and wrong.

Note: If you select Show Quiz Only in your Publish settings and select a single question, the summary page will be disabled automatically, even if this setting is enabled in your quiz settings.

Show answers and explanations Presents correct and incorrect answers to the quiz taker after they submit each question. Your quiz is being used in a graded or mandatory assessment, or you otherwise do not want the quiz taker to see the correct and incorrect answers until the end of the quiz.

Answer explanations may give away answers to subsequent questions, so we do not recommend enabling them in graded assessments.

Progress indicator Shows the quiz taker the total number of questions in a given quiz and the question number they are currently on (e.g. "Question 2 of 4"). You do not want the quiz taker to know how many questions are in a given quiz or you have chosen to build your own custom progress indicator.
Submit button Displays a "Submit" button that enables quiz takers to submit a response to each quiz question and advance to the next question.

*DO NOT DISABLE* this setting unless you have built your own utility for progressing through the quiz questions. Disabling this option without a replacement will prevent your quiz takers from progressing through your quiz.

You are using our Quiz API to create a custom quiz navigation experience and would prefer to create your own custom submission or navigation buttons.

Note: If you select Show Quiz Only in your Publish settings and select a single question, the Submit button will be disabled automatically, even if this setting is enabled in your quiz settings.