Report an anatomical error

We work hard to ensure the medical accuracy of the BioDigital Human so our users can learn about anatomy, health conditions, and treatments in visual format that resembles life itself.

With that said, no one is perfect. If something is missing or misplaced, improperly depicted, or misspelled, let us know! The quality of our platform is continuously improved by your feedback, and we want to hear from you.

If you would like to report an error concerning a the accuracy of a model or the information associated with it and and you have a Personal Plus, Individual Premium, School, or Business account*, please submit a request here. When you are filling out the request form, select Product suggestions as your issue and Report an anatomical or content error as your ticket category.

You can also submit this feedback directly to our Product team within our web and mobile apps. In the web app, click on the speech bubble icon in the upper-right corner of the page. On the mobile apps, this option is called Give Feedback and can be found in the drop-down menu in the upper-right corner of the screen.

Web app:


Mobile apps:



*Read more about contacting the BioDigital Customer Experience team.