Which format should I choose when I publish my 3D model?

Feature availability


When you publish a 3D model from the BioDigital Human web app, the model gets packaged in what we call the Human Viewer, or simply the Viewer. The Viewer, which was built to let you load and interact with 3D models in a browser or an application (all without a login!), can be published in two formats:

  1. An embed code
  2. A standalone link


When to publish an embed code

An embed code—another term for iframe, or inline frame—is used to display external content within a webpage. The content inside an embed code can take many forms: an image, an advertisement, a video—or a 3D model from the BioDigital Human!

As a rule of thumb, if you would like your 3D model to be displayed within an existing webpage (in other words, above or below text and other media), select Copy Embed Code when you publish it. This will generate an iframe, which you can then paste into your webpage just like you would with a YouTube video.


When to publish a link

Because the Viewer is essentially small webpage, it can operate independently from other webpages or applications, and it therefore can be opened in your browser as a standalone link, or URL.

If you would like to direct learners directly to one of your 3D models and do not need it to be embedded into a webpage, select Copy Link when you publish it. This will generate a link that you can paste into a webpage, email, or document.

Tip: If you are providing a link to a 3D model instead of embedding it into a webpage, you may want to download an image of the model and then hyperlink the image to the 3D model link. This is how we recommend integrating 3D models into PowerPoint, where iframes are not supported.


Learn more

For instructions on how to integrate 3D mdoels into common applications and learning management systems (LMS), we recommend the following articles: