"Team Learning" is not working in the VR app

Feature availability


The "Team Learning" screen in the lobby of the BioDigital Human VR app is grayed out, as shown below.

vr_choose your vr experience_single-user_aug24.png


Troubleshooting steps

A grayed-out Team Learning screen indicates that multi-user functionality is currently unavailable for your account for one or more reasons.

To resolve the issue, review the possible causes below and take the recommended steps provided.

  1. Multi-user functionality is not enabled on your team's plan. Multi-user functionality must be explicitly included in your VR subscription in order for you and your team to have access. (We recommend checking your subscription paperwork if you are unsure whether it was included.) If you are interested in enabling multi-user functionality for your team, contact your BioDigital representative or our sales team.
  2. Your team has multi-user access, but you are logged in to a user account that is not a member of your team. To enable multi-user access on your account, make sure you have joined your team following the instructions provided by your team's administrator(s) or your BioDigital representative.
  3. A syncing error may be present. The best way to resolve any multi-user syncing errors is to re-authenticate: simply log out of the app on your headset and then log in again and see if the error persists.

Still having issues?

Contact your BioDigital representative or contact our Customer Experience team for additional support.