Using the toolbar in Human Studio

Feature availability


There are many ways to customize your models in Human Studio, and the toolbar is essential to this process.


1. Select

Note: Select is one of four primary modes offered in Studio that determine the action your mouse takes when you click on the 3D model. The others are Hide, Label, and Paint.

In Select mode, clicking an anatomical structure in the model applies a yellow highlight to the structure in the model and a blue highlight to the associated structure name in the Anatomy Tree. (Likewise, clicking on a structure in the Anatomy Tree highlights the structure in the model.)

When paired with the context provided in the Anatomy Tree, selecting a structure can provide invaluable insight into how the structure is organized within the systems, regions, and functional areas of the body and how it relates to other structures.

How to use:

  1. Select mode is activated by default when you enter Human Studio. However, if another mode is currently activated, simply click the    Select icon in the toolbar to reactivate it.
  2. Start clicking on the model to select structures.


2. Hide

In Hide mode, clicking an anatomical structure in the model removes it from view.

Hiding a structure enables you to view other, deeper structures that would otherwise be hidden from view, as well as to remove extraneous structures that are not relevant to your learning objective(s).

How to use:

  1. Select the    Hide icon in the toolbar.
  2. Start clicking on the model to remove structures from view.

Tip: To restore a structure you have hidden, click   Undo on the far right side of the toolbar. You can also re-hide the same structure again by clicking    Redo.


3. Label

In Label mode, clicking on an anatomical structure in the model applies a label containing the name of the structure.

Labeling a structure enables you to identify a structure by name, describe its function, or provide any sort of complementary information or media—such as images, videos, or audio—related to the structure.

How to use:

  1. Select the    Label icon in the toolbar.
  2. Start clicking on the model to add labels.

Tip: Labels can be edited or customized! See Add a new label to my model for step-by-step instructions.


4. Paint

In Paint mode, clicking an anatomical structure in the model applies the selected paint color and/or visual effect(s) to the structure. If you have not previously selected a color or effect, the default color—red—will be applied.

Painting one or more structures enables you to emphasize specific structures, distinguish multiple structures from one another, identify groups of structures, and even customize the look and feel of your model.

How to use:

  1. Select the    Paint icon in the toolbar.
  2. Select a color or effect in the palette in the Paint panel on the right side of your screen.
  3. Start clicking on structures to apply the selected color or effect.

Tip: To learn more about our Paint tool, we recommend the following resources:


5. Quiz

With the Quiz tool, you can add quiz questions to any chapter in your model or tour.

Once quiz questions have been added to your model or tour, the resulting View and Quiz or Quiz Only experience can be embedded into an LMS, website, or application and used in learning activities, knowledge checks, and even graded assessments.

How to use:

  1. Select the    Quiz icon in the toolbar.
  2. Select the Add a Question button on in the Quiz panel on the right side of your screen to start adding questions.

Tip: To learn more about quizzing in interactive 3D, see the following collection of articles: Build 3D quizzes.


6. Image

With the Image tool, you can capture, customize, and download high-quality images using any 3D model.

Downloaded images can be used for thumbnails in an image gallery, as well as in slide decks, PDFs, and digital and print marketing materials where iframes are not supported.

How to use:

  1. Select the    Image icon in the toolbar.
  2. Adjust the image settings as desired.
  3. Click Download.

Tip: To learn more about the Image tool, see Download a customized image of a model.


7. Canvas Size

With the Canvas Size tool, you can adjust the dimensions of the scene to guide the 3D model customization process.

When you open a 3D model in the Human Viewer, the "canvas" is simply the space in which the model itself appears. You can think of the canvas as your model's backdrop.

By adjusting the canvas size before applying customizations such as adding labels or changing your starting position, you can be sure that your model and all of its labels are positioned to your liking when loaded on the devices or at the 3D embed sizes you are targeting for your integration.

How to use:

  1. Select the    Canvas Size icon in the toolbar.
  2. Select from one of our preset sizes (Maximize, Desktop, Tablet, Mobile), or enter a custom width and height.

Note: Canvas Size and Viewer Size are not synonymous. Canvas Size does not take into account the additional width taken up by the Information Panel if you have it enabled in your published model.


8. Background

With the Background tool, you can change the background color of any chapter in your 3D model or tour.

How to use:

  1. Select the    Background icon in the toolbar.
  2. Select a color from Presets, or select the Custom tab to use a custom color, gradient, or transparent background.

Tip: To learn more about the Background tool, see Change my model's background color.


9. Undo & Redo

While any mode in Human Studio, use the    Undo and    Redo buttons to easily undo or redo an action you have taken.