Save a model to My Library

Feature availability

In Explore, you have access to hundreds of 3D anatomy, health condition, and treatment models, and this library is constantly growing. But what if you want easy access to only the models that matter to you? And what if you want to make changes to some of those models? Save them to My Library!

You can save a model to My Library from multiple places in the BioDigital Human:

  • Any page in Explore
  • The Quick View window
  • The View page
  • Inside Human Studio

Select the relevant option below to learn more.

  • Take the following steps to save a single model directly from Explore:

    1. Hover over the model and click the    more options icon.
    2. Select    Add to My Library from the drop-down menu.
      save to my library_explore_single model_sep24.png
    3. In the Add to My Library dialog, make sure you are happy with the title of your model. If not, make your desired changes now.
    4. Select your model’s permission settings.*
    5. Select the name of the collection(s) in which you would like to save your model.*
    6. Click Save.


    You can also save multiple models from a specific category in Explore all at once:

    1. Click the    more options icon in the upper-right corner of any category.
    2. Click Select to activate selection mode.
    3. To select a model, click anywhere on its tile.
    4. Repeat until you have selected all of the models you want to save.

      Tip: To select all models in the current view, click [#] Selected in the upper-right corner and select Select All from the drop-down menu.

    5. When you are finished making your selections, click [#] Selected in the upper-right corner and select  Add to My Library from the drop-down menu.
      save to my library_explore_multiple models_sep24.png
    6. In the Add to My Library dialog, select your model’s permission settings.*
    7. Select the name of the collection(s) in which you would like to save your model.*
    8. Click Confirm.
  • To save a model from the Quick View window, take the following steps:
    1. Click the Add to My Library button on the right side of the window.
    2. In the Add to My Library dialog, make sure you are happy with the title of your model. If not, make your desired changes now.
    3. Select your model’s permission settings.*
    4. Select the name of the collection in which you would like to save your model.*
    5. Click Save.

    save to my library_quick view_sep24.png

  • To save a model from the View page, take the following steps:
    1. Click Add to My Library in the upper-right corner of the page.
      save to my library_view page_sep24.png
    2. In the Add to My Library dialog, make sure you are happy with the title of your model. If not, make your desired changes now.
    3. Select model’s permission settings.*
    4. Select the name of the collection(s) in which you would like to save your model.*
    5. Click Save
  • To save a model from Human Studio, take the following steps:
    1. When you are finished customizing your model, click the Save button in the upper-right corner of the page.
      studio_save button_dec23.png
    2. In the Save or Save As dialog, make sure you are happy with the title of your model. If not, make your desired changes now.
    3. Select your model’s permission settings.*
    4. Select the name of the collection(s)* in which you would like to save your model.
    5. Click Save.

      Tip: If you would prefer to save a new version of your customized model, click the    caret next to "Save" and select Save As instead.

Once you have saved your model to My Library, you can:


*Model permissions and collections are available for School and Business plan customers only. Learn more in What subscriptions do you offer?