Introducing the Quiz Builder, a new authoring tool in Human Studio that enables you to create interactive, virtual quizzes using 3D models from our Human Library or models you’ve already saved to My Library. These quizzes can then be embedded into your LMS, website, or application and used in learning activities, knowledge checks, and even graded assessments. You can even teach and quiz using the same 3D model.
Learn more about the Quiz Builder below.
Access the Quiz Builder
The Quiz Builder is available in Human Studio as a new toolbar option at the top of the page. Take the steps below to start building your own 3D quizzes!
1. Open a model in Human Studio.
In Explore or My Library, browse or search to find a model that you would like to use as the basis for your quiz.
Hover over the model's tile and click Customize in Studio
in the upper-right corner of the model's tile.
2. Enable Quiz mode.
- Navigate to the Chapters panel on the left side of the page and click on the chapter you want to add a quiz question to. (If your model only has one chapter, this chapter will already be selected in the Chapters panel.)
- Next, select
Quiz from the toolbar at the top of your screen to enable Quiz mode.
3. Start adding questions.
- To create your first question, click Add Question in the Quiz panel on the right side of your screen, and select your desired question type.
- Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to build a 3D quiz in Human Studio.
Available Question Types
There are three question types available in the Quiz Builder:
- Multiple Choice: Identify the correct answer from a list of options.
- Select Anatomy in 3D: Identify the correct structure(s) in the 3D model.
- Label Anatomy: Correctly label each structure from a list of options.
We also offer an "Instructions" option that enables you to provide instructions at the beginning of your quiz or more context between questions.
Follow the links above for more details about each question type and step-by-step instructions on how to add each to your quiz.
Additional options available within the Quiz Builder include:
- Quiz settings: Customize the elements that appear in your 3D quiz, such as a summary page and progress indicator, to tailor the quiz-taking experience to your specific needs. Learn more.
- Preview: Quickly preview how individual quiz questions or entire 3D quiz will appear once saved to My Library and published to your learning materials.
- Publish: Generate an embed code or URL for your quiz, and optionally set your model's published view to default to the 3D quiz and prevent the quiz taker from navigating away from the quiz. You also have a choice between a) publishing the full-length 3D quiz in the sequence of in which it was built or b) selectively publishing individual questions.
How to Publish 3D Quizzes
For detailed instructions and best practices for integrating 3D quizzes into your learning materials, see Publish a 3D quiz.
How to Use 3D Quizzes
There are three primary approaches you can take to using 3D quizzes in your learning materials:
Learning Activities
Incorporate 3D quiz questions into learning activities such as virtual dissections and build-a-body exercises to help learners achieve desired learning outcomes during the learning process.
Relevant question types:
- Select Anatomy in 3D
- Label Anatomy
Knowledge Checks
Empower learners to measure their own knowledge retention by embedding 3D quizzes at specific points during or at the end of the learning process.
Relevant question types:
- Multiple Choice
- Select Anatomy in 3D
- Label Anatomy
See example in Articulate Rise
Assess and measure your learners' knowledge retention at the end of the learning process. Optional: Use our Quiz API to track your learners' quiz results in your grade book or database. For more information about our Quiz API, reach out to your Account Manager.
Relevant question types:
- Multiple Choice
- Select Anatomy in 3D
- Label Anatomy
See example in Articulate Storyline
Additional FAQs
Do you support fill-in-the-blank questions or other question types?
At this time, we only offer the following three question types in the Quiz Builder:
- Multiple Choice
- Select the Anatomy
- Label the Anatomy
We also offer an "Instructions" option that enables you to provide instructions at the beginning of your quiz or more context between questions.
That said, we plan to add more question types in the future and encourage you to share your ideas with your Account Manager or our Customer Experience team!
How many questions can I add per model, or per chapter?
Within a given model or tour, you can add as many questions per chapter as you’d like.
Does every chapter in a tour need a question? If, for example, I only add quiz questions to 4 of 5 of my chapters, will the 5th chapter show up in my quiz?
No, you are not required to add a quiz question to every chapter in your tour. If you add questions to chapter 1, 3, 4, and 5 in a given tour, only those chapters will appear in your quiz. Chapter 2 will not appear when the learner is in Quiz mode.
If I add quiz questions to a model that is already live/published, will the quizzes automatically show up in my published models?
Yes, any quiz questions added to a model that is already live will become available immediately to your learners — unless you deselect Enable Quiz in your quiz settings. Read more about your quiz settings here.
Do I have to create a separate model for my quiz?
No, you can use the same model or tour to both teach and assess!
What can't I do with the Quiz Builder?
At this time, the Quiz Builder does not currently support:
- Timed questions
- Multiple Choice questions that have more than one correct answer
- Questions that are not associated with 3D models
- Branched logic
- Distractors/red-herring answers for Label Anatomy questions
- Storage of a learner's progress or quiz results in the BioDigital Human web app
Can I track my learners' quiz results?
We do not track or store quiz results in the BioDigital Human, but we will be releasing a Quiz API that can be used to send quiz results to a database or grade book. Reach out to your Account Manager for more information if you are interested in leveraging this feature.
Are there character limits in any of the quiz fields?
No, we have not placed any character limits in any of our quiz fields.
Is there a limit to how many responses I can add to a Multiple Choice question?
No, there is technically no limit, but we recommend using your best judgment to avoid overwhelming the learner.